Thursday, October 30, 2008

Find Sheets With Peace Signs

Ioppi "aborted fetuses in the cemetery, violent and dangerous initiative."

Ioppi "aborted fetuses in the cemetery, violent and dangerous initiative."

Trentino Thursday, October 30, 2008 Dear Dr.

. Joppa, I read the article published in the newspaper Trentino Thursday, October 30, 2008, in which she responded to a proposal I made to the Group Board of the National Alliance, who then has made his own. I would tranquillizarla: It is not my intention to make proposals violent, dangerous or otherwise create divisions and contrasti.L 'idea of \u200b\u200breserving an area of \u200b\u200bthe cemetery for aborted fetuses, rather than throwing them in the trash, was founded by the great respect I have for the life of the unborn and the difficult choices that often the mothers are costrette.Credo that allow a mother, if it so desires, to know the result, although an abortion, her pregnancy is cast with gauze or anything, but found a decent burial can be a source of great comfort even with the passing of this years.For even consider that possibility should also be offered for fetuses spontaneously aborted, so far as I know the waste is disposed of with the hospital.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Is Cloudy Urine A Sign Of Appendicitis?

D'Antuono wants a space to bury the aborted fetuses.

a graveyard for children ever born.
Trentino Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cute Picnik Relationship Quote

Councillor D'Antuono a commitment to families.

the South of Tuesday, October 28, 2008.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Long Before I Wax

Motion: to adopt measures to combat the rising cost of living in the city.

(for the adoption of measures to combat the rising cost of living in the city)

the city of Rovereto, like many others, suffer the consequences of economic crisis and the high cost of living;
this situation cause serious difficulties for the families arrived, even to limit their expenditure on food;
the crisis mainly affects the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, but could also be a vortex of poverty in which they are sucked even those who are in economic conditions of concern;
reducing consumption also affects trade and could have an impact on employment;
you risk losing its character and its identity were to be reduced further if the activities engaged in traditional trades;
other Italian municipalities have adopted concrete measures to combat the high cost of living;
the adoption of measures agreed with the trade associations could contribute to the promotion of trade in the city, the undersigned Councillors Municipal

the Mayor and the Board

to agree with the trade associations of measures to reduce the impact Social cost of living;
to verify the possibility of establishing "the week of convenience" the end of each month, during which you might find a basket of essential goods to sell at a discount;
to promote such initiatives through a campaign adequate information.

Rovereto, there Oct. 23, 2008.

Ex: Products which have a maturity of short-term traders could carry a discount of 50% of their profit margin.

Necstiff Neck With Stomach Bug

question about access, nursery ...


last time I met several mothers in town that I have expressed their discomfort, not to call it anger, concerning the problem of children enter nursery.
Paradoxically, these people, citizens of Rovereto, in the situation of having to average earnings from employment and are excluded from essential services that belong to all citizens, such as the right to entrust their children in Kindergarten Nest.
Hereby, in addition to addressing the public aware of this problem, I turn to the institution which by their nature should protect equally all social classes, not excluding, paradoxically, the middle class. Therefore, the undersigned
Ciro D'Antuono, Councillor of the National Alliance for Rovereto,


Councillor responsible to know:
1) how many applications for users to access nursery in its basin ' user charges were dismissed;
2) the time frame for the implementation of the following new structures:
- the Nursery "Borgo Sacco" located at CRAL former Tobacco Factory;
- the Polo's childhood Via Udine;
- Nursery School Via Chiocchetti.
3) if it is the intention of this Administration will involve the Province to build a new facility to Marco and if not, why?
written response is requested.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ideas For Long Yellow Gloves

D'Antuono invents a week discounts.

the South of Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Is It Bad To Apply Abreva More Than 5 Times A Day

I do not make policy for my family.

of the South Saturday, October 18, 2008 .

Cake Wording For Retirement

If you love chocolate ...

The recipe for these delicious chocolate, to say the least known, has been given by his aunt of my mother, my dear Aunt Mary, an excellent cook and pastry from the creative scrupulous accuracy.

His cuisine is famous in our family and beyond, there is no person who has never bitten her appetizing rustic, his buns, onion trousers and what about the pies and cakes Apulian tradition, such as barchiglie and paste real.

The first time I tasted these chocolates is their home. I still remember the thought which took shape in my mind when I see it coming with the tray load. I thought it was not possible to recreate such a delight with such precision to show to my eyes the image of perfection.

And if so have given rise to the only eye contact, you can imagine the flap created on my taste buds ... something indefinable and indescribable! Try it!

Perugina Baci chocolate-type-

  • 500 g of hazelnuts "the kind of piedmont"
  • 150 g cocoa powder 750 g Nutella
  • extra-dark chocolate (enough to cover)


  • Toast all the nuts. Chop 400 g and 100 g whole leave the rest as it will serve to form the "hat" of the kiss.
  • In a large bowl put the chopped hazelnuts, add the chocolate, the cocoa and begin to stir the mixture until it will be soft and smooth.
  • With this mixture do a lot of balls, more or less the size of real kisses, and place on each of them a whole hazelnut. Put them in the freezer for about half an hour.
He spent half an hour, remove the kisses from the freezer to dip into extra-dark chocolate previously melted in a double boiler or in microwave.

  • Let solidify everything for a couple of hours and the kisses are ready to be devoured!
After each wrapped chocolates in two tissue papers, one silver and one blue, and garnished with a little note with an aphorism about love or about friendship, my mom had the idea to use them as place-marks over lunch to celebrate the silver wedding anniversary with my dad.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hyatt Light Replacement Shades

farrotti spinach

-for-3 people

  • 200 g spelled

  • extra virgin olive

  • a carrot

  • a onion

  • 1.5 l vegetable stock

  • some cherry tomatoes

  • 3 cubes with spinach

  • two slices of hard cheese (I used ours)

  • Parmesan

  • Peel and chop the carrots and onion.

  • to wither the mixture obtained in the oil.

  • Add the farro and toast for a few minutes.

  • Add the hot broth a bit 'at a time and mix.

  • Add the diced spinach and cherry tomatoes cut into wedges.

  • cooked, add the previously hard cheese, finely chopped off the heat and stir with a handful of Parmesan cheese.
night :-)