few days ago I got spoiled a bit ': a relaxing afternoon, reading a good book, a bit' of music, all accompanied by the sweetness of these cookies with rice flour. The recipe is very simple and the rice flour gives the cookies a special fragrance and light and delicate fragrance. Ingredients:
They're great dipped in coffee and milk to start the day with a good breakfast and perfect for a sweet afternoon snack, accompanied by a steaming cup of tea.
- 200 g white flour 150 g
- rice flour 150 g butter 180 g sugar
- a sachet of baking powder 2 eggs
- milk as needed
- a teaspoon of vanilla extract
In a large bowl, mix all ingredients quickly until the mixture is smooth soft texture.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface and cut with cookie cutters cutters. Bake at 150 degrees and bake for 20-25 minutes to get golden and fragrant biscuits! Sweetness guaranteed!
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